Alternate Claims Procedure #2020-1
Board of Review #2015-1 - Confidentiality of Income
Board of Review #2010-1 Alternate Members 4-15-2014
Board of Review Specified Hours #1-88
Building Permits #2005-01 Revised 12-11-2013
UDC Adoption #2024-2 12-11-2024
Delinquency and obtaining licenses 2023-1
Elections - Split Shifts #2015-1
Election Law Change - Town Officers 2012-1
Confidentiality - income and expense - assessor 2022-1
Fire Department - Mutual Aid Pact 2-14-90
Joint Municipal Agreement - Town of Wagner #2001
Multiple & Single Family Dwellings #01-2
Municipal Judge Agreement 3-19-88
Amendment Agreement Municipal Court #2012-02
Creation of Joint Municipal Judge #2008-1
Recycling Compliance Assurance Plan
Highway Order - Plantation Rd. 7-21-2006
Amendment of Ordinance - Addition of Roads #1-94
Older Ordinances that have been revised can be seen in the Clerk's Office
Board of Review Compensation #2000-5
Municipal Court Bond Schedule Description
Municipal Court Bond Schedule Fees
Comprehensive Plan - Multi-Jurisdictional #2001
Oppose DOR County Assessment 1-11-2010
Number of Election Officials 12-10-2014
Appointing of Special Voter Reg. Deputies 12-10-2014
Creating Election Wards 2011-1
Employee Grievance Procedure #2011-2
Employee Grievance Procedure Blank Form
Participate in WI Length of Service - Fire Dept. #2008-3
Joint Inter-Township Volunteer Fire Dept. #10
Addendum C to Mutual Aid Box Alarm System #2012-1
National Incident Management System #1-05
Opposing Proposed Mining - Aquila Back Forty Mine #2017-2
Public Contract over $5k but not more than $25k 2009-2
Public Records Retention Schedule #2021-1
Recycling Grant Authorized Representative #2015-1
Rivers Protection Grants #2000-1
Initiate Disc. of Hwy - Popple Rd. #2023-1
Resolution and Order to Discontinue Popple Rd. #2023-2
Initiate Disc. of Hwy - Carviou Ln #2021-3/Rescinded 10-26-2021
Initiate Disc. of Hwy - Farm Rd #2021-1/Rescinded 10-12-2021
Initiate Disc. of Hwy - Stub Rd #2021-4
Resolution and Order to Discontinue Stub Rd. #2021-4-1 12-6-2021
Initiate Disc. of Hwy - Plantation Rd #2021-5/Rescinded 10-12-2021
Discontinued Highway 7-12-2006 - Plantation Road
Initiate Discontinued Highway #2006-1 Plantation Rd
Change of N end of Michalski Rd. #2-98
Assuming Jurisdiction of Road - Miron #3-91
Assuming Jurisdiction of Road - Wagner #288
Assuming Jurisdiction of Road #1-85
Town Board adopts to Exceed Tax Levy 10-12-2016
Town Tax Levy Adopted by Electors 11-9-2016
Town Tax Levy Limit Exceeded by Electors 11-9-2016
Town Board adopts to Exceed Tax Levy 10-9-2013
Town Tax Levy Adopted by Electors 11-13-2013
Town Tax Levy Limit Exceeded by Electors 11-13-2013
Transfer Property to State #2006-2
Supporting Purchase of Surplus Lands #00-01-054
UDC Non-Enforcement #2000-4 - Repealed 12-11-2024
Opposing Proposed Changes to WI Prevailing Wage #2009-1
Older Resolutions that have been revised can be seen in the Clerk's Office